About Me


Hi, I’m Patti. I’m so glad that you could join me in My Treehouse.  There’s nothing like sitting under a tree for inspiration!


I’ve noticed on many occasions, that when people come to our home for the first time they seem so pleasantly surprised! I hear remarks like… “Oh, this is so traquil” or  “There is such a spiritual quality to this home.” “Are you an interior designer?” The answer is no, I am not, but the process of creating a peaceful environment – whether for my husband and I or for others – is my passion. My livelihood comes from my work as a graphic designer and an artist with a flair for the unexpected and fun!  Take a peek…  www.champagneandcanvas.com

I believe our homes should be harmonious and relaxing – a refuge and a retreat.  I am brimming with ideas and inspiration which I am eager and delighted to share.  And so, Inspirations from My Treehouse by the Sea has emerged as a medium for me to interact with my fellow travelers on this journey to a more serene and less encumbered life. It is my desire to “create calm in the midst of chaos”.

It’s not just about having a home that emanates peace and serenity but ones entire self, including our body, mind and soul. In order to achieve that we need to keep our body active and healthy (yoga and golf are my preferences), and our mind and soul at ease (meditation is the key). One of the great spiritual teachers of our time, Paramahansa Yogananda, reminds us that “within each of us is an inner core of peace that we can learn to access at will”.  If you’d like to know more about his teachings visit http://www.yogananda-srf.org/ 

I love being busy and dealing with a challenge.   I love visiting my daughter who trained as a ballerina in Vienna and now lives there with her two beautiful children.  I love changing a room from a state of disarray into a state of grace.   

My style may be completely different from yours… maybe you’re more contemporary, country, or more sophisticated. Whatever it is, just be sure that it reflects who YOU are. Just think about when you don’t feel “right” in an outfit, how it affects your mood for the entire day. The same goes for your home.


If you don’t feel harmonious or “at home” in your surroundings then do something about it. Even the most subtle of changes can help promote harmony and happiness in your life.   I hope that I will inspire you with some ideas to help you on your journey to finding peace and serenity within and without.

  “It’s about creating calm in the midst of chaos.”